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The Biotechnology Development Funds

Project Initiator: Biotech tropicana Systems

Project Owner: Recipient Foreign Communities


The  Biotehnology  Development Funds

The  Biotechnology Development Fund  is designed to assist foreign communities  willing  to learn Biotechnolgy and related fields. The fund is coordinated by the Biotech tropicana Systems acting as the primary donor, and managed by the board of recipients. Funds donated by secondary donors (foreign institutions) and tertiary donors (private donors)  may be accepted if the funds meet the “ substantial benefit to foreign communities standard”. Foreign community is defined as any community of non members of the Biotech tropicana Systems. For the The  Biotehnology  Development Fund IS NOT a property of the Biotech tropicana Systems, no document related to the fund shqll bear the Biotech tropicana Systems SMART Label. All documents related to the Fund shall specify in the letterhead “The  Biotehnology  Development Fund IS NOT a property of the Biotech tropicana Systems”





Development of a  database  project based on bioinformatics principles in a public institution, in Cotonou,  BENIN.

Collaboration framework  initiated  with a foreign University, in Maryland, USA.


Activity Type: technical Assistance.



Establishment of a Biotechnology funding account at BRS (Banque Regionale de Solidarite) in Cotonou,  BENIN.

Account donated by Biotech tropicana Systems to  Biotech tropicana Association of Parakou, BENIN.

Account initiated  with 0.7% of profits from activities of the Biotech tropicana Systems in Benin Republic.

Activity Type: Financial Assistance to resource poor communities.



Due to limited availability of time and resources, assistance programs  were suspended.

Most time and resources  were invested in innovation of the “Mobile Life Box” system ( a property of the Biotech tropicana Systems).

Numerous models  of the “Mobile Life Box” System were designed between 2008 and 2010.

By the end of 2008 and beginning of 2009, a model of the “Mobile Life Box” passed a peer review test in India. However, the authors blocked release for improvement.

In 9th  February, 2010., an improved  model  of the “Mobile Life Box” System passed a second  peer review test and released in a peer review scientific journal.



Biotechnology Educational program improvement in a private institution in Cotonou, BENIN.

Program expanded with additional capacity.

Capacity added included:

  1. Genetic Engineering Techniques
  2. Bioinformatics

Activity Type: Technical Assistance.



Establishment of Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) capacity in a private institution in Cotonou, BENIN.

Capacity added includes:

  1.  hardware setup,
  2.  staff training, and
  3. recipient institution proposed to expand its existing collaboration framework  to include PCR rather initiating a new collaboration framework.

Activity Type: Technical Assistance.



Biotechnology Educational program improvement in a private institution in Cotonou, BENIN.

Program expanded with additional capacity.

Capacity added include:

  1. Re-Organisation of Genetics Program to include topics  from  “Modern Genetic Analysis”
  2. Genetics components of previous program expanded from two to three as:
  1. Basics of Genetics
  2. Molecular Genetics and
  3. Genetic Engineering

Activity Type: technical Assistance.




Biotechnology Educational program improvement in a private institution in Cotonou, BENIN.

Program expanded with additional capacity.

Capacity added include:

  1. Re-Organisation of Genetics Program to include topics  from  “Modern Genetic Analysis”
  2. Genetics components of previous program expanded from two to three as:
  1. Basics of Genetics
  2. Molecular Genetics and
  3. Genetic Engineering
  • Copy of 2013 program expanded to another private institution

Activity Type: technical Assistance.



Continuation of the 2014 assistance programs.

Category: My articles | Added by: Biotechtropicana (02.24.2015)
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