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November 26-29

a-Exploration Activities In Parakou; Benin

Exploratory activities focused on empowering informatics capacities of the Biotech tropicana Systems : under coordinated attack.

b- Biotechnology Development Society

Progress in the development of the Biotechnology Development Society evaluated. The founders of the Biotech tropicana Systems will continue collaborative efforts of the Biotechnology Development Society with the Universite de Parakou; while strictly maintaining the exclusion of Universite de Parakou from any form of collaboration with the Biotech tropicana Systems; under policy 21.

The collaborative efforts will focus on data exchange between the Biotechnology Development Society and the Universite de Parakou de Parakou to promote data flow from the Society to the University to support basic research and reversely data flow the university to the Society to support applied research and technological innovation: as emphasized in Innovation. Applying Knowledge In Development.



Follow up:

  1. Public Institution of Higher Education:Universite de Parakou.

No response:

Cannot meet institutional authority. This scenario is the third with institution at issue.



The three scenarios of “no decision” result in waste of TIME and RESOURCES to the Biotech tropicana Systems.


The scenarios of waste of TIME and RESOURCES in three or more occasions amount to “serious harm to the interest of the Biotech tropican Systems” standard under policy 21.



  1. The institution at issue SHALL be registered in the exclusion portfolio of the Biotech tropicana Systems as exclude # 2 (exc-2).
  2. All pending applications with institutions exc-2 are voided.
  3. Exc-2 is excluded from any form collaboration or association with any unit of the Biotech tropicana Systems TO THE END OF TIME. Policy 21. Biotech tropicana Systems.


  1. No notification of exclusion is required in this matter since the Biotech tropicana Systems maintain no written contract or agreement with institution at issue.
  2. A descriptive ID of the institution shall be recorded in the exclusion files of the Bioteh tropicana Systems.


October, 2016

October 05, 2016

Human capital or studentship: what’s the difference?

Impact analysis of the introduction of an unfamiliar concept into a familiar environment published at http://btropicanaforum.ucoz.com/publ/biotech_tropicana_journal_xxxxx_xx1_5_9_2016/1-1-0-89



September, 2016

Late August, September 23, 2016, exploration activities for an experimental implementation of SALAC conducted in Kandi, Benin.


August, 2016

August 22, 2016

Exploration activities in Kandi, Benin.

Collaboration request initiated with a continental organization in Kandi, Benin.

STATUS: In Progress


Receptionist misplaced submission confirmation mark on BTS. Error was corrected on August 29, 2016. Interestingly no policy of the Biotech tropiacna Systems policy framework was designed to handle such an error, thereby demonstrating a limitation of the Biotech tropiacna Systems policy framework. However, the policy making policy 23, was designed to permit amendments to handle policy vacuum situations, thereby demonstrating a strength of the Biotech tropiacna Systems policy framework, which is amended with policy 55, “collaboration initiation filing policy”


December 21, 2016 

Collaboration request is VOID under policy 29)g; 90 days no response deadline passed.






February, 2016

February 1, 2016

Exploration activities in Parakou, Benin.

A second request for collaboration submitted to a public institution in Parakou, Benin.

REF: November 2015 below.

STATUS: VOID under policy 29)g Biotech tropicana Systems.



November 2015

November 30, 2015. 

Exploration activities in Cotonou, Benin.

Collaboration Request initiated with a private institution in Cotonou, Benin..*

STATUS: VOID under policy 29)g Biotech tropicana Systems.


November x, 2015

Exploration activities in Parakou, Benin.


STATUS 2M: BTS copy of initiation misplaced  or stolen.

THEREFORE, application "VOID" if no response is received at BTS within 90 days (January 31, 2016).

Policy 29)g. Biotech tropicana Systems.


October, 2015


October 19-22

Exploration activities in Kandi, BENIN

STATUS: S: Final status: VOID under policy 29)g Biotech tropicana Systems:



  1. Follow up:

Information and (or) Re-submission application submitted to a public educational institution, in Kandi, Benin.

Policy 29)g. Biotech tropicanaSystems.


  1. Follow up:

First attempt to submit Information and (or) Re-submission application to a public educational institution, in Kandi, Benin FAILED.

Basis of Failure: Receptionist Not Reachable.

Second attempt : IN PROCESS.

Policy 29)g. Biotech tropicana Systems

Second attempted successful as of 03/24/2016

STATUS: Second Request In process under Policy 29)g. Final Status: VOID under policy 29)g Biotech tropicana Systems.


October, 13, 2015

a) institution suspended on September 28, 2015 based on contract and agreement violation EXCLUDED.

POLICY 21. Biotech tropicana Systems.

Basis of Exclusion:

Fourth violation for failure to reply to the issues raised on September28, under POLICY 22.


October 02, 2015


a) Issues raised in September 28, 2015 "negotiation request protocol" resolved.

Note: All files shall be transferred to the Biotech tropicana,IncMUSEUM for archiving.

Policy 9a. Biotech tropicana Systems.


b) Issues raised under policy 22 in process..

Policy 22d. Biotech tropicana Systems.




September, 2015


September 28, 2015

a) Contracts and agreements with a private institution suspended, in Cotonou, Benin.

Policy 22. Biotech tropicana Systems.

Basis of suspension

UNREASONABLE DELAYS in violation of the contracts and agreements at issue.


Follow Up:


November 16, 2015

Court certification of “Notification of Exclusion” obtained for institution ESC 1.

Policy 21)g. Biotech tropicana Systems.

December 23, 2015


Basis of failure: Receptionist not reachable.


Second attempt: IN PROCESS.


  1. : First “Notification of Exclusion” successfully delivered to institution ESC1 on 09/27/2015, as confirmed by receptionist.

Policy 21)e. Biotech tropicana Systems.


b) "Negotiation Request Protocol" submitted in connection with submission at point a), and deadline foe negotiation set for October 3, 2015, at midnight.

Policy 7)a. and 7)c  Biotech tropicana Systems.




August, 2015


August 25, 2015

Implementation of the Biotech tropicana,IncEDUCATIONAL Genetics I program completed in a private institution in Cotonou, BENIN.

The Biotech tropicana Systems will provide technical assistance to institutions of poor  nations that can demonstrate their ability to clearly define their objectives, toward sustainable development.

Aboubakar YARI &  Venus YARI.

For the Biotech tropicana Systems.



August 04, 2015

Implementation of the Biotech tropicana, IncEDUCATIONAL  Genetics I program initiated in a private institution, in Cotonou, BENIN.





July, 2015


July 23, 2015

Follow up Reference 4/14/2015

Agreement reached.

STATUS: Resolved.


All files SHALL be  transferred to the Biotech tropicanaMUSEUM for archiving.

Policy 9.a. Biotech tropicana Systems. 


July 21, 2015

Follow up: Reference 4/14/2015

Negotiation team expanded.

STATUS: In Progress


July 8,  2015

Follow  Up:  Reference   4/14/2015

CLOCK: Negotiation  timeline  set  for  three  months.  Negotiation to be closed on  October  7, 2015   at midnight..

Policy 7c.   Biotech tropicana  Systems.

STATUS:  In Progress.


June, 2015

June 30, 2015

a)  Pre-notification of exclusion served to excluded trainees of the Biotech tropicana Systems.

b) A second certified notification of exclusion to be sent by certified mail.

Basis of Exclusion:

Low performance. The trainees failed to perform in a manner that is consistent with the Biotech tropicana Systems performance standard.

Policy 21. Biotech tropicana Systems.


The trainees, particularly those involved in work published in exteranl scientific Journals, have been advised NOT to associate with any activity of the Biotech tropicana Systems from the date of service. Any violation of this advice shall be prosecuted, consistent with policy 21.

We regret that our perfomance standard as prescribed in the Biotech tropicana Policy does not permit us to continue investing time and resources in  low performers.

We hope that they can secure admission in institutions operating at lower standards.

We wish them good luck in their future endeavours.


The Founders

Aboubakar YARI & Venus YARI

Biotech tropicana Systems


April 14, 2015

Negotiation Request Protocol initiated in a private university in Cotonou, Benin.

Basis of initiation: failure to comply with terms of contract.

Policy 7.a. Biotech tropicana Systems.



February, 2015


February 17-18,

Exploration activities in Malanville site. R: U.


February 14-16

Exploration activities in Kandi site. R: IP