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SMARTLnguageCAPACITY : A Language Capacity Building Project

As updated February 6, 2015


SALAC: The SMART African Language Commons


The SALAC Project aims :

a) To develop a unified business language implementable in all member countries of the African Union

b) To develop  Glyphs and Syntax for computer  programing in SALAC

The project is designed for development in three phases.



The exploratory phase will explore  major languages in Africa, to identify common patterns (commons) amenable to a unified pattern for the innovation of an alphabet model  and a syntax model.




Phase will use the models developed at phase I to develop:

a) A unified business language implementable in all member countries of the African Union.

b) Glyphs and syntax for computer programming in SALAC

COORDINATION: Biotech tropicana,IncEDUCATIONAL and Biotech tropicana,IncFACILITATOR



Phase III will implement the systems developed at phase II using two interfaces:

a) A freely accessible interface for promotion activities

b) A second interface accessible only to registered users for country level implementation activities


Projected incubation period: 5 to 10 years



The Biotech tropicana SMARTlanguageCAPACITY PROJECT aims to develop an internal language capacity to meet the systems global expansion perspectives.

In addition to the primary ENGLISH  language, all staff of the Biotech tropicana Systems must read and write an additional language selected  from the pool.  See the SMART languagePOOL below.

The project is implemented in three phases:


PHASE  1 aims to acquier the basics of the targeted language from a third party.


PHASE 2 will engineer the acquired basics to make them adaptable to the Biotech tropicana Programs


PHASE 3  will develop an implementation protocol  within the Systems, and between the system and its partners



العربية (arabic),      中文 (Chinese),  Français (French), Ελληνικά (Greek),  Deutsch (German), हिन्दी (Hindi), Italiano (Italian), 日本語 (Japaneese), Português (Portuguese), Русский (Russian), Español (Spanish), Computer Languages.



UN MDG, Goal 8 (Develop a global partnership for development), Target 18 (In cooperation with the private sector, make available the benefits of new technologies, especially information and communication technologies).

US MCC: Private Ownership Principle.


Work in the Biotech tropicana Systems is guided by the principles established in the UN MDG and the US MCC.


December 14, 2015

Selected letters and words of the  SALAC language released at:


[1] A. YARI1: V. YARI1 And M. YARI2 The Smart African Language Commons: SALAC.  Selection Criteria.  Biotech tropicana Journal: (1):(5):3 2016. At http://btropicanaforum.ucoz.com/publ/biotech_tropicana_journal_1_5_3_2016/1-1-0-53

[1] A. YARI1; V. YARI: And M. YARI2 .SAALAC-V1, SALAC-SALAC, And SALAC:  What’s the Difference. Biotech tropicana Journal: xxxxx(1): At,  aaaaa2016http://btropicanaforum.ucoz.com/publ/biotech_tropicana_journal_xxxxx_1_9_2016/1-1-0-103



Category: My articles | Added by: Biotechtropicana (02.03.2014)
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